Definitely worth doing a leadership course of some sort.
Having good technical skills doesn't mean you can manage, so it'll really be worth the time
Not that I want to sound like the guy out of the office..
I’ve transitioned from dev to team lead, through product management but it’s only now - leading 100+ people product and being accountable for it, that i’ve really got a feel for it (being more than one step away).
1. Lead yourself first.
This is an odd saying, but it means you see the big picture, the problems and put together what needs to be done to realise it on an ongoing basis.
It also means you bring the team together to deliver, although you leave them to solve the picture - guiding and enabling where needed. As a people manager this means also means the good and bad side of performance management inline with the big picture and how that picture is evolving.
2.You are now the “chief meaning officer”
When you’re painting that picture be aware that people are looking for what it means to them, be prepared to explain what it means to them rather than what it means to you. This is true as a team lead or further up the chain.
I do more listening now then I ever have - I also dig deeper to listen.
3. Be aware of the shadow you cast.
What you say and do casts a shadow upward, downwards and sideways - think what that shadow should look like when viewed by others. All part of managing up..
4. Be courageous, connected and open.
Being open to change and your team’s own work & ideas, the better connected the better you can solve their problems and achieve ideas, and lastly courage to be the one that speaks up and takes the steps when needed.
5. As a people person (ignore “manager”) when you have you team get together just go around the table and as what keeps them up at night? Start with yourself - detox the worry and build the team spirit. This may be feel initially like a scene from “the office” but it really does work - opening communication, reducing risks and making it a nicer place.
6. As a manager you’ll need to understand performance management and HR - so ensure your company arranges that for you. It is also in the company’s own interests to train you too- so don’t feel bad asking for it.
And the big one - be yourself and not a self entitled pompous knob. People are awesome, people become leaders by simply leading themselves and individuals following by aligning.
If they don’t see something it’s your fault, it’s your responsibility to create the path to their enlightenment and so they can work autonomously. The path may even bend and you become enlightened, so enjoy the experience.
There’s probably more in my head somewhere.