Moving house - prepayment key meter

6 Dec 2005
Parents moving house this month, the place they're moving into has a prepayment key meter for electricity (dont think gas is) on Scottish Power. They're with e.on at the moment.

What steps and how annoying is it going to be getting rid of the prepayment meter and putting in a normal one with e.on.

Is it a rented place? If so check with the Landlord first, if not just give them a call and it's a pretty simple process for them to do the switch.
Did this recently. Moved into house , prepayment meter with Southern Electric. Rang British Gas (who was my existing provider at old address), asked them to replace it. they asked me to confirm I was staying with them on the new property, BG came and replaced the prepayment meter FOC (took about 40mins)
What steps and how annoying is it going to be getting rid of the prepayment meter and putting in a normal one with e.on.

We had an electricity meter switched out about year back due to moving to a single tariff. We just called our provider, and a bloke came out and replaced several older boxes on the wall with one new little box. Took about half an hour.
Is it a rented place? If so check with the Landlord first, if not just give them a call and it's a pretty simple process for them to do the switch.

No it isn't they've bought it.

Okay, what about in the mean time using electric in the house and what not. Meant to be having Sky installed on Wednesday and other things going on that will use leccy which only has £3.67 left according to the box? There is a key and a card for the gas, can we they just be topped up in a shop without setting up an account with Scottish Power or something? :confused:

I would presume the previous owners will have cancelled their account as they moved out today therefore rendering the key and card useless?
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nope. Key and card will still function but your folks will need to call Spower to confirm they've moved in anyways and give an accurate reading. Spower will have no record of them so may be harder to get the mtr exchanged. If they've got a good history with EOn then best to go with them. Not sure which providers charge for thr work. I used to work for BG Pay As You Go and we do the work for free. Our elec was pretty competitive but other suppliers mainly had cheaper gas. I still think in terms of customer service though BG rank amongst the best these days.

Of course everyone has a horror story for almost every energy provider
The key will work but you still need to call the supplier up and setup an account. You don't know if the previous owner had a debt on the meter which they were paying off from the credit. Which you would end up doing if you didn't contact the supplier.
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