Moving on after only a short period?

26 Aug 2003
Leafy Cheshire
So, I’ve only been in my current role since August (coming up on 5 months), but I feel that I was mis-sold the complexity of the role, the potential for greater exposure to my current siloed position, and that the business as a whole has so many deeply ingrained “culture” based processes and “legacy” solutions that already I can see the same mistakes getting made over and over. It’s not as if the business has cash-flow problems, we’re very large and with a very healthy IT budget, but the business seems insistent on not allowing inter-team collaboration/up-skilling/knowledge sharing, that I feel my skill set it really going to waste here.

I’m paid healthily for the role (actually I feel for the amount I get to do, I’m over-paid), but I’m simply not being challenged, and my rather broad skill set is starting to get dated and stale as I’m not using 75% of what I know/used to do.

Now usually I’m not one to ditch and switch roles in such a short period, and I certainly don’t want it to look bad on my CV, but I can only stick this out for so much longer.

What would you guys do? Stick it out until the 6 month mark? The 1 year mark? Not worry about just getting on with moving?
If your roles prior to this one haven't been short periods then I'd not worry about it at all and say just get out of there. Ideally you do then want to make sure your next role isn't a short 6 month stint too (unless contracting).
My last role was 2 years, and prior to that 8 years, both within the same company! So 5 months to me is incredibly short!

Don't worry about it and get on with moving.

Cheers, that’s 2 for 2!
So revisiting this thread, I've just received an offer for a new role at a company 200 yards down the road from where I am now. Things have changed where I am currently employed as I got the opportunity to make a sideways move into a more project oriented role, but the root issue of the company politics remains.

I'm struggling to decide what to do, the offer is a decent one, around an 18% pay increase from my current role, however it would involve working more "normal" hours (8:30-5 vs 6:30-3) and the "flexible working" is seen more of a "on occasion" rather than all the time perk. The rest of the package (pensions/perks/holidays) are similar enough to not warrant discussion either way, but the role itself is one where I'll have to be taking on a partial people-management position which I have done previously, but stepped away from in order to pursue a more technical specialism.

I do enjoy the current "early" hours as it means more time at home when my little boy (21 month old) is awake, but the money would also come in handy for providing a better quality of life down the line (not that his current quality of life is bad by any means).

Also I'm wondering about if I just hand in my notice, or I engage the current employer in any kind of discussion.

I've never had to think so much about accepting or rejecting a role before.
Thanks @EVH, that's some good angles to consider.

The new role itself is likely to be a worthwile additon to my CV, both in terms of the title and the workload/responsibilities/technologies used. It is going to be a lot of hard work, not that I shy away from hard work, but it will be a considerable step-change from my current day-to-day.

Unfortunately they aren’t too flexible when it comes to expected hours in the office, but I would accrue additional holidays year on year which is something I don’t currently receive.

The money will be noticable, but due to taxation at 40% for the entirety of the salary uplift, not as noticeable as one would like, it would however afford me the opportunity to roughly triple what i put away for a rainy day, which is nice.

I guess I need to see if my current employer are willing to counter-offer before making the jump.
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