Moving Steam to a new drive

29 Jul 2010
I'm looking to move both Steam and Steam VR from it's current SSD to an M2 drive.

I've just read two guides, one says just drag the steam folder in entirety to the new drive, then download the installer and "reinstall" steam to the new drive, the other guide says delete everything apart from steamapps, user data and steam.exe then move to new drive and just log in.

Any advice on the easist way to do this and does Steam VR just move with it or do I need to do anything else for that?
I'm the same, I've always followed the above guide! Sometimes the odd occasion I've had to validate a few games though.
I'm on the wrong PC now but I thought when I last did this I right clicked the game in Steam and in the properties there (probably local files) there is a move option.
I'm on the wrong PC now but I thought when I last did this I right clicked the game in Steam and in the properties there (probably local files) there is a move option.
Yeah, within Properties there is Local Files and then Move Install Folder, you just have to have another Steam library made up on another drive so you can move them there. That should probably make it work, not tried myself but remembered it when I read your post !

On another note since it is similar as the OP's question. I already have Steam on another drive, but I am going to install a M2 drive and do a new installation of Windows 10 on it, do I still have to do something about steam ?? Since I think some Steam files are allocated to C even if it is installed on another drive ?
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