Moving user profiles

12 Jan 2006
Hi All

Has anyone moved AD user profiles from one server to another without any problems?

By problems i mean, without having to take ownership of the folder and moving it, thus resulting in the error with the roaming profile each time the user logs on.

I have tried taking ownership and then making sure the user has read and write access to the folder, but i still get profile error each time they logon.

To fix it i have to rename the old profile, create a new one and move their files by copying it onto to the desktop and sorting them from there.

Running on Windows Server 2003
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I have just moved over 200 user profiles from our Windows Cluster, over to our new Netapp filers, I found that a mix of Xcacls, and subinacl worked to reset the permissions.

Three line script if i remeber to set all the correct permissions on every file.
FOR /F "delims=~" %%f in (c:\usersneeded.txt) DO subinacl.exe /subdirectories Y:\%%f /setowner=%%f
FOR /F "delims=~" %%f in (c:\usersneeded.txt) DO xcacls y:\%%f /G f1\mis:F /Y
FOR /F "delims=~" %%f in (c:\usersneeded.txt) DO xcacls y:\%%f /E /G %%f:F /Y

This reset the permissions to a list of users in the C:\usersneeded.txt text file.

This works after you have taken ownership, of the files and folders.
When migrating between SBS2003 to SBS2008, i simply used Robocopy which copied across all NTFS permissions along with it.

robocopy \\source \\destination /copy:DATSOU /r:2 /e /log C:\Log.txt

Think that is right :p
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