mozart mod

30 Jan 2009
East Sussex
Have just modded my thermaltake mozart ( seemed like a good idea )
I used 2 mozart cases to complete the build +
5 x 120mm white bitfenix fans
2 x 120mm white led bitfenix fans
1 x NZXT CB-LED10-WT 12x White LED Sleeve
2 x Alphacool NexXxoS Pro II 240 rads
13mm / 10mm tygon tubing clear
1 x XSPC Acrylic Dual 5.25" Reservoir
1 x Laing D5 Vario Pump
1 x EK Supreme LTX CPU Waterblock
2 x EK Water Blocks EK-FC6970 - EN (Nickel)
4 x 3/8" G1/4 - High Flow Style - Shiny Silver- Compression Fitting
4 x 3/8" G1/4 - FatBoy Style - Shiny Silver - Barb Fitting
2 x 90 Degree Rotary Compression
1 x Phobya Variable VGA Connector
4 x white bitfenix 6 pin pci-e extention
1 x white bitfenix 8 pin eps extention
1 x white bitfenix 24 pin extention ( waiting to be back in stock )
1 x NZXT 4 SATA 90 degree data to 4 SATA data cable - White
2 x bitfenix alchemy molex to 3pin x3 fan adaptor 12V 20cm - White
1 x bitfenix alchemy molex to sata data extention white
and the rest in my sig below
Some original mozart pics


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The parts were then all sprayed and put back together




The new look
I cut out the front of the hdd bay so that the harddrives could be turned round that way i could hide the wires, and also the bottom fan cannot be used ( hole below the 2 fillters ) as i cut this out to feed the wires through.
This way everything should be hidden by the front cover.



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i like the "white" pipes going into the white fans.

looks almost as if they are pumping the white into the case if u know what i mean.
last of the pics




Have got the to do the doors yet dont like the bar across the middle so going to make the door a full window , might put a window in the top aswell so you can see down into the case.
Not made my mind up if i'm going to do something with the front panel yet may spray it white not sure.
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I used plasti-kote metal primer then 2 coats of plasti-kote enamel black.

Yeah going to have to have a think about the front panel , have seen 1 build where they had a seethrough front panel so you could see the the fans behind but the trouble is all my wires are hidden behind it so am limited to what i can do realy, will do something to it though. will let you know what i come up with.
Nice mod, love what you've done with the mobo tray.

Where did you get the mesh that you've used to cover the various holes?

Please PM if not OCUK.

There aren't many of us who appreciate this case. you won't be disaapointed if you cut the doors to make one big window.

Also, maybe braid those beige cables balck or white
Cheers G-Dubs

Was trying to think of a way to mainly stop the heat from the bottom card rising up to the top 1 this way has worked better than i could have hoped for , gfx temps now even when overclocked to 1000 core and 1400 mem dont exced 45 even the cpu does'nt exced 54 while running ibt so was a good move realy glad i did this.

The mesh used to cover the holes was from the front panel of the second case that i had ( acquired from a friend ), i used a few bits from both cases , in all i used the most of the back panel , motherboard tray and a few mesh grills from the other case to build so far will be a few more bits before i am finnished though.

Yeah the bar across the door realy does ruin the look will definitely mod to make full window , was also thinking of having a window in the top of the case so you can see down inside , but not decided on this yet though.

Yeah all cables will be white eventually just waiting on a few of them to be back in stock atm.

Will put some more pics up as i make further modifications.

Thanks for looking
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