Mp3 Album Art

20 Jun 2004
I'm trying to sort out all my music but having few issues:

Firstly- WMP sees to be showing different album art to media monkey. I guess WMP uses the saved folder.jpg etc but media monkey looks at tags? How can I get them to match up?

Second- Whenever I import my music into Itunes- a good few albums do not display art. I cannot tell any difference between the ones that do and the ones that dont... so why doesnt it work?!

All my abums have folder.jpg saved in the folders and I thought I had tagged them correctly using media monkey.....
Yes I am aware of those files- but surely they can only help itunes identify the album art :o

Basically I want my art to work in both WMP and Itunes - what does ituns actually look for in order to display the album art....??
Itunes does a much better job than WMP, WMP screws all your ID3 tags and artwork up!

I use Tag&Rename to tag all my music correctly.

Again no Itunes crap will ever be near my PC, I don't need as I don't own Ipod POS either.(I aint a sheep who follows the flock) I have a ZVM 30GB since just after launch ;)

WMP if you tell it not too (in settings) will not mess with your Tags done by yourself with other App's like Tag&Rename.

It will still stick in tiny pictures for itself to use but these will not mess up other players inc DAPS's as Tag&rename has Encoded the correct Art into the actual music files and you have a .jpg called Folder in each album Folder which is what the DAP will look for. :)
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