Mp3 Flac portable player

9 Sep 2009
Can you recommend a portable music player and headphones. My Dad's had a stroke and is hospital apparently listening to music is benefical. The headpphone must be the big ones as my Dad has hearing aids. He has a Samsung Galaxy S3 but not sure he'd be able to mess about with apps and the like. I just want to put some music on for him for an hour or so.
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Is the Sony nw-a45 any good?

Just buy the Cowon.

Back in 2016 I had operations on my ears to give me my hearing back (Stapedectomy) and the first thing I bought was a Cowon Plenue D and some Fidue A83 triple driver in-ears.
The first hour of playing music I was crying my eyes out, I was so emotional because I'd only heard music and never experienced it like that before.
Thanks I'm not sure he can hear that well but I may as well. I'm not sure if I've found the right one is it about £200 ?

How old is he?
The reason I ask is that the screen might be a little small to navigate.

Player is OK, but it comes with a proprietary cable rather than USB - USB.
I have a really old Sony nw (fairly cheap unit). Sony are somewhat notorious, are they not, for using proprietary software and cables and stuff. There was no drag and drop on my nw, you had to use the (downright awful) SonicStage software to get music onto it.
Would he really struggle with a music app any more than he would with an mp3 player? It's pretty easy to just open a music app and press shuffle songs.

I'm sure with Android you could probably even script something easy enough.
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