mp3 joining software

21 Nov 2005
Anyone know of any good mp3 joining software.....I've tried on freeware program but when played back on the ipod there seems to be a split second gap which is noticeable on a mixed dance cd.
Not sure if it is the ipods failings or the mp3 software joining the tracks.
I've often seen this in some of my downloaded tunes . But , I use the old fashioned method , convert them to .wavs , open them in Cool Edit , zoom in on the wave form and delete the gap ,save .wav file ,convert them back to .mp3. Right faf , is'nt it ? but it works great and you can never tell.I've been using Cool Edit now for about 8 years ,I'm not changing now.
rickyt said:
Right faf , is'nt it ?

you sir are quite clearly insane. using foobar 0.83 with it's built in diskwriter plugin would do it easily. tis a shame i can't find diskwriter for foobar 0.9.... :)
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