Mp3 Organising Software.

17 Jan 2006
I'm aware that I have quite a few duplicates in my MP3 collection, and being over 10gb in size, I dont really have the patience or the time to go through them all.

Can someone suggest some freeware that can allow me to organise my Mp3s or at least find duplicates easily!?

musicbrainz i think does a good job. it can be set up to scan a dir then rename files dump according to a new structure that u define too.
Roduga said:
All I need is something that organises my, erm, sport, err, architectural, ahem, videos. :D

thats difficult 'cause musicbrainz (and other progs) use mp3 sound recognition thingymagic to figure out what song/rename/sort

with videos or whatever, i think you just have to do it manually really.
spirit said:
thats difficult 'cause musicbrainz (and other progs) use mp3 sound recognition thingymagic to figure out what song/rename/sort

with videos or whatever, i think you just have to do it manually really.
Think I'm just going to buy a monkey, let him do it.
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