MP3 player advice needed

20 Jan 2005
Hi, been planning on getting an MP3 player for a while now but have never got round to making the jump. Been using a 128mb flash mp3 i've borrowed from my GF.

So looking to spend around £150 (less = better)
4gb+ storage (more the better)
Fairly stylish but not majorly important (don't want a brick, lol)
And finally one of the things i want to use it for is an external hard drive being about to drag and drop files onto it without software/ap would be very useful.

Thanks :)
Getting really tempted by the samsung. Looks really good and aint too bad for the price (seen it for £170 that about right?).

How exactly do you use it? ie change tracks, control menu etc.

Anything else i should know about it?

ta :)
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