mp3 player + .flac

12 Aug 2005
hey guys, i know that when using mp3 files, different players will give different sound quality for the music..

what if i'm using .flac or other lossless file format, does the player comes into play?
the player matter more than the format you are playing in my experience. people place too much emphasis on flac and portable players. its bloody hard to tell the difference between a decent mp3 and a lossless file on even the best players without getting in to seperate amplifiers and a few hundred quids worth of earphones.
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of course you could just get whichever mp3 player you like and then connected it to a portable amp for much goodness. Having said that an ipod's still your best bet as you can get a cable to ouput via line-out into a portable amp (even a cheap CMOS would be better than any 'onboard' amp) thus giving you the best quality out of any player.
most daps have a decent enough line out. you dont need to buy an ipod just for that.


my old d2 for example. doesnt even have a dedicated line out but it's still a very good source and an easy match for the ipods line out
hmm.. sorry for the noob question, but how do i use it?
i've downloaded all2lame as well as the encoder, and the encoder is sitting in the same directory as all2lame.exe
i've set the locations of lame.exe and tag.exe, there's no switches available for me to choose from
and when i click encode, a dos window pops out and instantly goes off, and nth else happen.
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