MP3 Player With AM/FM Radio??

20 Aug 2003
Has anyone seen or heard of an MP3 player which has a AM/FM radio built in? I've seen a few with FM radio but none with AM (TalkSport fan :p )

I have a Phillips Jukebox HD070 2GB which has a built in FM radio, in shops for around £90

edit- just read it properly, sorry dont know any with am too
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There is an American MP3 player, but i forgot the name of it...

*Keeps Searching*

Ahh.. the MP3 player is done by Pogo! Products, alas the player hasn't received much praise. :(

What i did instead though was buy a cheap AM/FM radio. It was around a quid from zie online marketplace and almost weightless. Does the job if you're a Radio 5 Live listener. :)
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