Mr McMahon

11 Sep 2009
Anyone else watching this on Netflix?
I watched wrestling growing up in the 80’s / 90’s it’s good to hear from them about their experiences and some of the stuff that went on. Well worth a watch if you ever watched some WWF!
He put out a statement the other day saying he seen an early cut and it's using clever editing, soundbites and conflating the character with the person to skew the story.

Also some talk doing the rounds he tried to buy the documentary from Netflix a while ago to stop it's release.

Be interesting to see anyway, clearly it's got him worried about how he comes off in it.

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I watched the first 2 episodes, enjoying it so far.

I was vaguely aware of the steroids scandal, but knew nothing about the female refs accusations.

Looks like episode 4 is the attitude era (which is when I was watching). Let's see how they dealt with the kiss my ass segments.
He put out a statement the other day saying he seen an early cut and it's using clever editing, soundbites and conflating the character with the person to skew the story.

Also some talk doing the rounds he tried to buy the documentary from Netflix a while ago to stop it's release.

Be interesting to see anyway, clearly it's got him worried about how he comes off in it.

I've finished it, and his statement is a load of crap. There are instances where they talk about things while showing footage of "Mr McMahon" because presumably the perfect bit of Vince footage doesn't exsist but at no point do they really conflate them outside a couple of times people point out everything Mr McMahon is, is a part of Vince, they're very clear about when they're talking about him, and when it was the character.

It was fairly interesting, I don't think there's a lot of new information there for hardcore wrestling fans, but I don't know how you ever come back from him being on tape saying "it wasn't rape, but if it was, the statue of limitations has passed"
This is on my list to watch. Having followed WWF/E, mainly in the 90s and then attitude era, it's essential viewing. The internet has already covered how bad a person he was back then, but i'm curious about what dastardly deeds he's done in the last 15 years or so, when i've not really followed WWE.

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