MRK...Daily mail

Mike is one of my friends though on the other hand :p We've explored together a number of times and DM have posted about these places before too. They seem to be on an urban exploration binge at the moment and it's not doing well with certain circles.
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I thought this was going to be a thread about mrk not paying child support to his twelve kids.

They seem to be on an urban exploration binge at the moment and it's not doing well with certain circles.

u wot m8?
Basically Daily Mail have been showing strong interest in publishing articles showing pictures of abandoned places taken by people on urbex groups around the net. They promise to publish what you tell them to but often don't and write their own story while putting up the pictures you send over or if they do they sensationalise it a bit in usual tabloid fashion.

All internal politics really and it has gotten to the point of being tedious.
I thought this was going to be a thread about mrk not paying child support to his twelve kids.

u wot m8?

I think he means some of the urb ex crows don't like the exposure, it is a bit of a secretive hobby and skirts around the fringes of the law so drawing attention to it only makes it harder to access great locations etc.
Yeah there is that too^ But really it wouldn't be a huge issue if it was somewhere like The Times. It's all spawned from the hate for DM. The other week a friend had his youtube video linked by DM when he told them not to use it and declined their offer of £50. Stuff like that.

But there are people on those boards who keep things behind closed doors for themselves only and will launch at anyone who does otherwise. Those people are the ones to avoid really as they're not nice people at all.

As an example, over the last few years admins of a popular urbex forum were moderating new threads until they had visited those places. It turned out they were visiting then, looting them of valuables and then letting the thread go into public sections of the board. Someone found the looted items being sold on eBay...

As I say, politics and nasty people.
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Ahh, thanks for the clarity, chaps, I was curious. Sounds like these people don't realize that doing this stuff became, if not mainstream, very widely known about many years ago. Makes me think of it as a modern day Dungeons & Dragons secret society.

It's sad what the Daily Mail et al get up to, but I guess they would otherwise struggle to feed the necessary amount of swill that the general public pigs demand.

As an example, over the last few years admins of a popular urbex forum were moderating new threads until they had visited those places. It turned out they were visiting then, looting them of valuables and then letting the thread go into public sections of the board. Someone found the looted items being sold on eBay...

As I say, politics and nasty people.

Oh, missed that bit, yeah that's really quite scummy, I thought it was more nasty as in tragic, but it seems some really are quite vile.
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Mike is one of my friends though on the other hand :p We've explored together a number of times and DM have posted about these places before too. They seem to be on an urban exploration binge at the moment and it's not doing well with certain circles.

Some of those shots are exceeding cool... but do me one favour, if you could?
Try and keep Mike and Co out of our sewer system!!

The health risk alone is insane - the chances of being bowled over by sudden flows and drowned in raw sewage, suffocated by fumes (hydrogen sulphide is *nasty* stuff), getting a needlestick injury off a discarded syringe, or catching Leptospirosis are all very serious risks.
We've not long had a couple of our guys die from Lepto and needlesticks happen far too frequently, even with all the protective kit we have to wear like respirators, gas detectors, harnesses and noddy-suit waders.

We find enough homeless corpses as is and I really don't want to go on a survey and find you or one of your guys too.
Aye aye!

There are some really risky places I agree. Peril is never far away and just the other week one fellow explorer fell from a bridge section as he was making progress across it and broke several bones. He's recovering in hospital but it's a dark reminder of what can and does happen.
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