MS Access basics

18 Jan 2006
OK, so I've given myself a headache :o
Never really tried access or hardcore database work, although I know some PHP etc.
What I'm trying to do is create a small database for my model collection. As such, this is divided into three 'categories', each with their own dataset. I've created three tables, each containing the appropriate set of fields for the dataset, easy enough so far.
I managed easily enough to create a lookup function into another table to pull off a manufacturer list, and finally I then created what I'll term the 'master' table. This contains three yes/ no tickboxes, one for each category & the master key.

Where I fall down is trying to get things setup so everything interacts nicely into a single relational form for data entry. I was hoping I could use the relationship manager to link each of my three checkbox fields in the 'master' table to the master key of the three subsidiary tables, and then create a cascading form, but that doesn't seem to work & I don't even get the option to cascade forms :(

Data retrieval can come after I've got entry working!

Not necessarily looking for you to design this, but pointers on where I've gone wrong and some decent tutorials would be nice :)

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