MS docker

18 Oct 2002
The Land of Roundabouts
Its something MS are pushing quite hard but I'm failing miserably as to finding a reason to have docker in my life. So i ask you bunch :) what and if you have any plans for using Docker?

The technology is interesting and the clout MS are putting behind it is making me think I'm missing something obvious :confused:
Docker / Containers really shine (IMO) when operating in large scales; when applications are in containers the ability to spin up new instances for increased capacity and redundancy really shines over "legacy" methods such as single application per VM when you consider overheads and interdependences.

As I don't have to hand a large scale application the usage will be minimal, if at all.
Thanks, would a JVM/Tomcat comparison be anywhere near in similarity's?

I guess its one of those waiting for the applications/ideas to be written around the methodology and getting devs to scale outwards than upwards (something they seem to be very good not doing!)
I have ZERO Server know-how other than I have built them to play about and ten failed miserably at actually doing anything truly useful with them ( Home use purely ).

From what I can gather, the difference with them, is mainly that with a normal VM, you are emulating an entire machine and the operating system. With this, of course you can see the benefits right off cant you?

However with a Docker, it only uses us the resources that it needs for that particular app.

This means that you can in theory, have many more docks using the same resources as only one VM.

For many people who simply play about with virtual machines, it is not going to be that much of an issue, but if you want to run multiple apps, then the dockers will really come through.

I am open to correction, but thats is what I have heard.

I am going to be looking into it sometime soon myself, but as I said... I just VM for a giggle more than anything in any serious capacity.
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