MS Flight Simulator Build

1 Oct 2012
Forgive me my PC building brethren, it has been 8 years since my last build ...

I'm looking to build a new PC that can run MSFS will all settings at ultra whilst still maintaining a decent FPS, I'm already on the list for an RTX 3080 so while waiting for that to ship I thought I'd start gathering everything else, thing is, it's been a number of years since I last built a system so I'm a bit out of touch, very comfortable with the build process, I used to build around 5-8 PC's a year for family and friends back in the day.

So, as I already mentioned, the RTX 3080 has already been purchased, hopefully it will arrive some time this year, I'm not interested in having a window in my case or RGB disco fans, RAM etc. and the PC needs to be as quiet running as possible when not gaming, other than that I'd like to aim for something along the following lines:

Ryzen CPU - Would it be worth waiting for 4000 series, either to buy a 4000 or for 3000 prices to fall?
32/64Gb RAM - MSFS seems to utilise as much as you can throw at it.
NVMe System drive - I also have 3 x SATA SSD's in my current system that I'll be re-using.
Mid Tower Case
4K 27" Monitor - Limited space at the moment so will go bigger in the future.
Don't require a KB/Mouse will be re-using my current ones.

No budget in mind but try not to go too crazy!

Thanks in advance!

Interesting ... thanks for the responses @BUDFORCE and @orbitalwalsh

orbitalwalsh - I assume the 'higher stick numbers' comment relates to some other forum posts I've seen about Ryzen disliking more than 2 sticks of RAM, lots of people seem to experience issues when trying to use 4 or more sticks ... is that correct?

I'm a bit torn now, I thought Ryzen was the way to go but maybe sticking with Intel is the less complicated path ...
Very interesting, if I'm reading it correctly it looks like Intel have got a slight edge when it comes down to FPS performance ...

Well, this is as far as I got over the weekend with a Ryzen build, bit of a steep learning curve after being out of the game for so long:

My basket at Overclockers UK:
Total: £1,096.01 (includes shipping: £11.10)​

No case at the moment, still deciding ...

After a lot of reading about delivery timelines etc I thought it might be best to get something top end 3000 series for now and then look at upgrading the CPU to 4000 series at a later date once things settle down, assuming I'll even feel the need to move to a 4000 series CPU with a build like this.

Right, I'm off to learn about the Intel side of things now so I can piece together a comparison.

Any comments, thoughts, suggestions about the Ryzen build (or Intel build suggestions) are most welcome.
@orbitalwalsh thanks for the example Intel build, very much appreciated, it looks very similar to what I've been piecing together, one question though, given the build is going to include the RTX 3080, is PCIe 4 something that needs to be taken into consideration, I've been reading a lot of conflicting information, reading between the lines I don't think it's an issue for the RTX 3080 but might be useful for the NVME and future proofing ... would you agree?
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