MS Remote App

5 Jul 2003
Atlanta, USA
Does anyone here have any experience with MS Remote App?
I'm trying to set it up here at work as a replacement for normal TS, but as far as ive got, ive hit a brick wall.

Basically when selecting an app from the apps list in the web gui, it keeps coming up with a login box that not even a domain admin account can get to disappear.

Anyone got any ideas?

Thanks in advance all. :)
All sorts of head scratching, ooooing and arrring at this the past few months, but i've pretty much got it running as i want it (apart from the fact that people have to type domain\username to login, very annoying but no way around it)

Are you going through an ISA server?
Yes. Ports have been forwarded...

Have you tried creating an app manually?

Remote app manager > create .rdp file then copy to remote location?
Doesn't work through that method either. :(
All of them check out fine.

Its not an immediate concern, for ease of use for the users, the RemoteApp will be used over our VPN connection instead. Reasoning being that:
A) Db apps can be used remotely without issue (which was the point in it anyway)
B) the ports on the firewall can be closed, increasing security.

Although it would be nice to have it working externally eventually.
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