MS Windows Network costs

6 Mar 2008
Stoke area
hi all,

This is the deal, current company has:

A HQ in my town, 60-80 staff members, 4/5 different teams
A small satellite office half a mile away with 4 staff members
A second call centre in Stoke (20 miles away) with another 30-40 people
An office in Leicester with 5 staff members and growing.
250-300 remote sales advisors/consultants/financial advisors

They are talking about a third call centre in south Wales.

They currently use cpanel for email using pop3 (a few use Imap), it's a mixture of laptops and desktops running win 7 home to win 10 home. couple of mac's and a couple of linux laptops.

it's cheap, it's a mess and it's making administration of the system a nightmare, lots of minor issues like sharing calendars etc.

I've come in with limited knowledge and I've been problem solving, googling and troubleshooting my backside off to stay on top of it, which isn't easy as there are no procedures and we take on 30 new staff members every 6 weeks. The IT team is just me. We have a technical director who writes our software and managed Azure/websites etc.

What kind of price range would you be looking at to start from scratch, implement a proper enterprise microsoft solution? Server, email whatever else is needed?

I've just started learning MS Server certs on virtual academy so I don't know enough to speak with confidence.

I know there's not a great deal of detail in there but ideally, email and calenders/server first then we can start on the individual workstations.
Other than the FA's the remote users all supply their own laptops etc and software is up to them, I just manage their technical support so I'm not sure they'll need anything. Our Financial Advisors however do have laptops supplied to them.

Our call centre guys only use email, chrome (internal websites, Easycontactnow) as well as a SIP program called Xlite.

Active Directory and group policies however would have saved me a load of time recently limiting websites and changing DNS settings.

It turns out, one of the top managers has spoken to a company called Softcat but I have no idea about what, he's playing things close to his chest which is extremely annoying seeing as it's me that has to administrate everything and I need to start plugging knowledge gaps asap.
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