MSI GTX 1060 6GB Gaming X - 80c temp. feeling disappointed

12 Jul 2016
I bought this card few months ago beeing told its the best thing ever, that it has great build quality, its quiet and most importantly has super low temperatures from 30c idle to 66c during stress. Well, now when i have it for over 6 months i can say it was a lie. I keep it in huge case with 2 140mm fans that previously had HD 5870 windforce gpu in it. temps never go above 67c so i thought i will be fine.

First thing i noticed card is huge, big and heavy. Very clunky. After instalation i noticed it sags


but whatever. it works atleast. Now temperatures. Well, when power use exceed over 70% temperature immediatelly goes above 70c. When power use reach 80% and above it almost immediatelly reach 75c and rising. 10 minutes in overwatch menus with 79-82% power use and temp rises to 77c and not dropping with fans spinning faster and faster untill it drops its pathetic GPU boost of 1911MHz to 1850MHz to decrease temperatures rise. Even setting card fan curve to 100%(which is veeeeery loud) cant keep it under 70c range.


This card is huge disappointed for me, because i paid over 360$ for "quality" and I feel cheated. I paid basicly 30% more in price to have heavy brick of a sagging card in my case that has same temps like mini evga GTX 1060 SC which is like 1/3 in size and 3/4 in price. And MSI customer support is saying that anything below 90c is fine and little card sagging is fine. Just no words... .

Never ever gonna buy any MSI product. I will try to sell this card as fast as possible before new AMD cards will roll out
I really dont understand what the problem is.

Card sag means nothing, its a large and heavy item, of course it will sag....if MSI included a bend proof backplate the cost would be higher = lost sales. Also a thick backplate would do nothing except bump the cost up as they dont add to cooling the card.

From your photo the case doesn't look "huge" it actually looks about mid sized. The temps your card is hitting are within spec and you opted to buy an overclocked high performance card, you cant expect them to run cold.

What make/model are your intake/exhaust fans? By the look I cant tell, maybe they are cheap fans and not shifting enough air to keep your case cool and your 1060 is trying to cool itself with warm air.
Add a long cable tie around one of the heatpipes, near the end of the card, and attach the other to the upper part of your case if it's possible (usually is) - it will eliminate the sag. Apply just enough tension so that the card is level.

Also, I'm sure you have screwed the card into the back plate but I can't see them in the picture - are they a different colour to the bright brass screws?
The temperatures are absolutely fine. Doesn't look like you have screwed it in & some cards sag. People have creative solutions to this but lately motherboard manufactures have been reinforcing the pci slot to prevent this a little. Lego is your best friend though.

I have an EVGA 1060 and get similar temps in overwatch, though I've set a custom fan curve and can manage to keep it below 75, which I'm happy with.
I get that you aren't happy with the card, but there's nothing really wrong with it. Hope you can sell it for a good price and find a new one which better suits your needs.
Also adding to my previous post I wouldn't blame MSI for any of these problems you are having as they are not really "problems". All 1060s running at that speed will be sitting at those temperatures (perfectly safe and normal) and card sag is just one of those things, if you have a long heavy object its really hard to stop even with a backplate.

Does your motherboard have reinforced PCI slots? I know a lot of newer boards are coming with it but again I think even then card sag will happen especially with these really long and heavy cards.
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