msi k7n2 delta2 FSB issue

11 Jan 2006
right here go`s
i have a msi k7n2 delta2 mobo.this is what is reported by live monitor
Mainboard Model Name MS-6570
Mainboard BIOS Vendor Phoenix
Mainboard BIOS Version 1.50
anyways i am running a athlon xp m 2500 @ 2.5ghz 12.5x200, 1gb of crucial 3200 ram(2x512 single channel)
the problem is when ever i try to push the fsb past 202mhz it just refuse`s to post :confused:
any suggestions would be greatly appreciated :D
many thanks
The RAM is rated to 200FSB

Do you need to take care of this?

Knock the FSB right down on the RAM, or turn the RAM Volts up a notch and have a play.
no the ram is 3200(400mhz) as for the voltage i have cranked it all the way up to 2.9v with no luck :( i am curious if this is an issue with my mobo cause i have read plenty of comments on how msi boards are really funny with memory :confused:
anyways many thanks for your suggestions FatRakoon
p.s. i know i have a nice overclock allready but hey i`m greedy :D and i wanna ring the life outta my setup ;)
that board is crap for fsb overclocking, i know because i have one. but its one of the most stable boards i have used if kept at stock fsb speeds.
Yeah, I know its DDR400, I was meaning that because its only DDR400 then taking it over 200FSB will be pushing it, so try running the RAM at something lower, thus letting the CPU get higher?

Actually, while on O/Cing the MSI Delta, I have a Delta-L K7N2 I think? and I found it to be brilliant... So much so, that its taken an XP1700 over 3Ghz... My site has info on this I think that I have not yet wiped if you fancy a peek.

However, based on my luck with my board, I used one recently for a mate to take his Barton cored Sempron 3000 higher, and it has failed miserably... I think we had 186FSB Max and that was using DDR400 RAM, so was that a limit on the Mobo or the CPU? I dont know and I dont care too much, but, Perhaps time to look for alternative BIOSes maybe?
i have a dead k7n2 delta 2, alough it was a lovely board, its just not cut out for high fsb's, as you cant adjust the north bridge voltage - my dfi infinty can hit crazy fsbs but is now dying a death from cold boot problems so im flogging it, and im looking to replace it but i dont know what board other than the nf7 i should be looking at lol, and i never like buying the "norm" :D

i have a gm2 that i may use for a bit, but my xp-m needs something better, thinking a full on lanparty rev b :D
Divider on the NF2?

Perhaps? I have had varying answers on whether its any good, with performance / reliability, and it depends on which Mobo you use, and indeed whether it does it at all really. I am just trying to offer some way to get above the 200FSB limit we seem to have hit here... Apart from going CORSAIR and/or faster RAM, simply giving it a go is the cheapest way!


The NF7 and the NF7S are without a doubt, the best NF2 boards on the planet.

I got both these 2, although last year, in one of my Serious OC moods, I somehow managed to solder a stick of RAM into a slot of the NF7????

The DFI I have, like all my DFI Boards, are not all that reliable, however, they clock well. They are not worth the price difference over the NF7 as they might get a couple of % more overclock, but its a high price to pay in my books.

Best FSBs I have had are:-

NF7 = 238
NF7S = 242 ( Although they were the same BIOS / RAM / CPU etc at the time? )
DFI LPII = 254
Gigabyte erm... Thingy? = 226

These FSBs were acheived with the XP17 DL3TC - The very one that has broken the 3Ghz barrier last year for me... Or was it the year before?
hi all,
thanks for ya help and suggestions :D
i been having a few nightmares :( i tried a modded bios from bosskiller,it looked pretty sweet with lots of extra functions to tinker with but alas i coudn`t get into windows with it :confused: just kept rebooting half way through loading windows no matter what the bios settings were :( so i loaded fail safe defaults and then the computer wouldn`t even eventually put the msi b50 bios back on and then more probs :mad: windows would hang half way through loading,which i resolved by taking the system32 folder from a working comp and dropping over mine fun fun fun NOT!
anyways back to the subject at hand,any suggestions on where i might lay my hands on one of these abit or asus boards cheap?
i found the abit board on a few sites but at £50+ seems a bit steep for a dead platform and as for ebay LOL people are paying silly money on there so not much chance of a bargain on there :(
also i`m eyeing up the geil 2gb value ram kit on overclockers,any good? will i notice much difference running dual channel ect.
BTW my comp is a work horse mainly used and abused for gaming and video encoding :D
Hi, i used to have this board, well still got it, and a 2500 mobile and i had it clocked to 2.5ghz stable, could even push higher, although my clock was setup diff.

I ran the fsb at 250 and the multi at 10. i also had some some pc 3200 (400mhz) so it was pretty much the same setup.

So you could always try 250x10 and maybe start pushing up after that.
holy cow 250fsb :D
hey cannon would you happen to know some of the finer details of that overclock like voltages,bios revision ect.
man 250fsb would give a real sweet boost :cool:

I also would be kenn to know how you got it to 250!! have got mine up to 220x11 at 1.7v so far but havent tried the x10 multy as it seems to be unstable no matter what fsb i put it at. any advice would be appreciated!!
I too was able to get mine fairly high FSB... Doubt I managed 250 though!

I hit 3Ghz with a measily 216x14...

Some say that you need a higher FSB but hey... Who gives a stuff, it hit 3GHZ!

There are a couple of different versions of this board... The newer ones look the part being black, but are fairly cruddy compared to a few of the previous ones.

I will be honest, but when you put cost into it, I rate the MSI Delta very much higher than the DFI... Its only for seriously high overclocks that the DFI comes into the equation... Any git can get a useable overclock with these boards, and even with a poor one, they sould be able to get a stable clock too!

Saying that, the newer one was only able to take a Sempron 3000 to 186FSB and this is a poor result, but I do fancy having a look at the CPU in another board, and a good clocker in that board to see which one is the limiter.
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