21 Aug 2005
Oxford, UK
Hi all. Have a MSI MEGA SKY 580 Digital TV USB Dongle thing... got it up and running nicely with all the channels working.. latest drivers etc... cant seem to get the supplied remote control to work tho?

Any1 else who has this got any ideas?

Ta v much :cool:
I have one and got a control... but I didnt get a little bag to carry it in... just curious what aerial are you using? and where abouts do you live??

Mine came with the remote and the bag, and I'm reasonably happy with it overall. I've only had trouble with the remote when the USB dongle isn't pointing directly at the remote. I tend to use a USB extension cable and blu-tac the dongle to somewhere the remote can see it.
all i got was the dongle and the cap for the dongle, the aerial connector thing and the remote. No bag.. no wire thing for the cap and no additional usb cable as is spec'd in the instructions.

Running it off the main house aerial and get 60 odd channels during the day and same again at night as some only broadcast in day and some at night!

No matter how close i point the remote to the dongle it wont do nothing... it just refuses to work for me! :(
Burbleflop said:
Have you removed the little plastic tab that breaks the contact between the battery and battery connector inside the remote?

I hope he has or I'm going to make fun of him ;)

Burbleflop said:
Have you removed the little plastic tab that breaks the contact between the battery and battery connector inside the remote?

dammit!! lol..

... nah seriously i have.. ive even replaced the battery.. still no luck.. tis puzzling :confused:

and yes the battery is in the right way etc etc
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