MSI Optix MPG27CQ2 Backlight bleed - Exchange?

12 May 2009
I bought this monitor for £449 and collected it on the 30th May. It's great and everything, but I find the back light bleed is really getting on my nerves, especially when watching movies with black bars.

It's difficult to get a good picture of it, but I blocked out the light coming from my PC. Would you say it's bad enough to warrant taking it back to the store I collected it from, and replacing it when the store reopens?
Yeah I think I'm going to return it. I spoke to the store earlier and they said to bring it in once they open up on the 15th, and replace it as faulty.
My son has a Mag272QR that cost £280 and has zero backlight bleed. He think it's hilarious cause he reckons I payed extra for my monitor, just so I could claim to have the better monitor haha.
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