MSI R9 390 using 290x waterblock?

20 Oct 2009

I have a MSI R9 390 and it gets very hot, i normally watercool my gpu's but i cant find a pacific 390 cooler to use. I have a FC R9 290x (rev 2) waterblock, it fits close on the board ok but there are other bits of the board that are cooled by the twin frozer cooler, on the end something like voltage circuits.


A and B are covered by the 290x waterblock, but all of C isn't...

Can i add a seperate fan cooler to the 5 seperate chips? or like my old 7950 when that was watercooled it didn't cover and of them even though the fan cooler did.

Dont look like it will according to the EK website .

Also do the mounting holes line correctly .

Is it the VRM's that C is covering ? You defiantly want the VRM's covered/cooled
the holes look like there in line, i didn't check them all but thought they where, ive put the old cooler back for now. But if i cover them VRM's up with a seperate cooler with a fan or extra watercooler would this work? I have a cnc router so could make something up out of alloy.

I was hoping someone had already watercooled one of these

Only other thing is depth of the 290 block, what you dont want is the pressure going onto the wrong part when you fasten it on. You need to check the cuttout depths just to be sure!

If your handy with g-code/cad/cam software it should be doable to make a semi custom to add on so to speak
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