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MSI RMA Royal mail & Polish postal system disaster

8 Jul 2013
Middle age travellers site
Ok will try to keep this short to best of my abilities but its going to be a difficult one to do with this one

Any advice re this ongoing situation would be more than welcome and very much appreciated

Here go's

So i had a returned clients pc which turned out to have a faulty GPU an MSI 570 8Gb back around mid January .
I contacted MSI various emails and used the online RMA process so to start an RMA ..the main MSI RMA site rejected me and told me to go back to reseller which i was going to do ...however another department of MSI that being MSI Poland emailed and told me to send to them for repair or replacement

This being this Address and my Rep contact throughout

Kajetan Bielecki
Desktop Computer Components - RMA
MSI Polska Sp. z o.o.
Tel: (+48) 71 710 5200

i choose this option as sending back to place of purchase that being the rain forest would have most likely been a refund and as we know availability & prices for gpus' even back then where getting shocking.

So after filling out the RMA forms and procedures with the correct paper work and receiving my RMA number i sent the card via royal mail internationally signed for with extra insurance of the cards value to the address given as seen below.

MSI Poland Sp. o.o.
ProLogis Park Wrocław
ul. Magazynowa 1, Bielany Wrocławskie
55-040 Kobierzyce

I had to send confirmation of posting and customs declaration CN22 form via photo to the MSI rep via email which i did so.

As you can see here card was sent on the 26th January


Now as you can see here in the above RM receipt the address is KOBIERZYEE when it should have been Kobierzyce only difference is a "c" when it should have been an "e" but the post code is correct 55-040 along with building number 1.

I double checked my label that was on the box as i took a photo and i had it down correct as the above address given so i assumed must be royals mails system that as done this..
so as long as the building name and post code is right all should be fine plus with my correct hand written address on there too all should be fine.

All good thus far.

So after about a week and half i went to check the online tracking
The item had made its way to WARSZAWA Poland on the 6th of February

So now i have to check the progress on Poland's mail tracking system as shown here


Now as seen here it seems it arrived in POLAND on the 6th feb and was delivered on the 8th of February

So i contacted the MSI rep that was dealing with my RMA on the 8th feb and ask have you received the package

I got a response on the 9th Feb as the rep stated "i will inform you while receiving"

I thought nothing of it .. takes time for them to process once they receive the package log it in ect ..but after not hearing anything for well over a week i had to contact Kajetan to find out what is going on ..i also had at this point the client asking when they would be receiving there pc back too fully working .. this was on the 16th Feb

The reply i got back from the RMA rep on the 16th feb was "we still have not received it"

now my alarm bells where ringing as the package was showing as delivered and the rep was stating they had not received ??

I then proceeded to send all the relevant tracking info to the MSI rep on the 16th so they could see that the card had arrived to them on the 8th of feb.

So my only option now was to ring royal mail customer support and oh boy what a joke that place is

So after 8 calls and being on hold between 45 to over 60 mins at a time and being cut off on each one i finally got thru on the 8th time.

So i gave the rep all the information and was told it as been delivered and to contact the receiver :/ i also asked the royal mail rep for the signature proof of receiving and then all i got was a load of spiel re the human malware and this may have caused a problem getting a signature upon delivery

Basically this

"Claiming for failure to obtain a signature
COVID-19 update: In order to protect both our people and customers as much as possible, we are minimising contact during delivery. This means we will not be handing over our hand-held devices to customers to capture signatures and we’re unable to consider any claims for fee refunds where signatures have not been obtained for items posted after 14 March 2020."

The Royal mail rep told me to make a claim if they did not receive the package but stated this would not be possible until a period of time had passed from the date posted which is 25 working Days this just added to my frustration..

---i know this is a long read and if you have got this far thank you for taking your time reading this.---

So back to it ..So in the meantime while i waited to be able to start the claim process i contacted the polish postal service but as you guessed.
i do not speak polish and no one on the end of the phone spoke English ..so i turned back to Kajetan the MSI rep and explained what the Royal mail had told me. and ask the MSI rep if the package may have ended up in another department or if he could ring the polish post office on my behalf.

Week later now the 23rd feb MSI rep informs me no package in other warehouse ect and the rep asks for all the postage documents proof of delivery and such so i send all the info needed. but i explained i do not have the persons name who received or signed for due to the covid statement above which i sent them.

In the mean time i was having to source a replacement card for the clients pc which cost me a whopping £320 USED to replace the same card not a happy bunny at this point to say the original card cost me £120.

now the 3rd of march i email the msi rep again after hearing nothing i get replay next day
as follows

"Ok i have an update.

Polish Post office which I have finally talked to, confirmed the name of the person who picked the package but this person does not work at MSI
Lady I talk to promised me to check the case and ring me back.

Nevertheless start your claim."

So it seems i am being told one thing from Royal mail and another from the polish postal system but i really do appreciate the MSI rep calling on my behalf i do thank him for this.

So it seems someone as stolen the package

At this point i was thinking of contacting the police but you guessed it what are they going to do about it... there far too busy giving out covid fines :(

So i start my Royal mail lost package claim as the 25 day period is over ..and this states it will now take upto 90 days from posting for them to get back to me re the investigation.

MSI rep contacts me 8th & 9th March
"Good morning

Today i try to find out, ringing to polish post office the status of this case.
I haven’t noted full name: Jerzy Ko…
Later I will try to update you."

Followed by

"I find out, the package was delivered to wrong address.
The same street name – Magazynowa 1 but delivered to THG Magnice

Pls raise the claim in post office, they need to contact to polish post and it must be done formally."

so it seems the MSI rep got the name of the person who picked up the package or that it was sent to the wrong address... I do find this strange i am not given the full name but still i appreciate this info as to what as happened.

So i now have to ring back Royal mail so to update my claim this takes many attempts another 6 failed calls all lasting up to an hour.. eventually i get to speak to somebody. I give them the information i was given by the MSI rep and they state they have updated my case.

so now its just a waiting game......

after a long wait..... yes 48 days i get this letter thru the door on the 25th of April


now what i find really strange in this letter is the new delivery date. it states 8th of April funny that it was the 8th of February when it was originally posted mhmmmm coincidence.

I have tried to contact the MSI rep since Monday just to make sure if or not it arrived which i have my doubts here but i am getting no replay from them.

So what am i suppose to do in this situation....
any advice would be most grateful and i don't suppose there is an MSI rep here is there ??

again thank you if you have made it to the end of this long spiel rant


To ADD* I took it upon myself to also contact Magazynowa 1 THG Magnice The Hut Group this Tuesday where the parcel is believed to have ended up but got no response as of yet .

MSI Replied. 30th April
Could you send us POD (proof of delivery) of the shipment which is stated as delivered on 8th of April?

After checking with our logistics and warehouse team, we do not have any record of the shipment here.

i do not want to bore you all any more going into all the details so this was the last letter i got of them trying to fog me off


Tbh i had forgot i had posted this here ..i created this mainly as a rec to myself and ask if anybody else experienced something similar and advice ..

Let me be clear non of this was MSI fault it was simply a postal problem which they still do not know if package was lost or posted to the wrong address.

Long story short this is now over.. after a month of doing my own investigations along with the MSI RMA rep helping out on their end with the polish postal service.
The MSI rep did not have to help out at all but he did ..he was on the whole principle trip with me to the end.

I had to threaten RM with court proceedings ..this resolved it ..i got refunded the cards original value which tbf is a joke ...last time i checked its now worth 3 to 4 times that value along with the postage paid

These systems with customer support and claims ect as we all know are designed to make you give up and cut your losses they should be called customer un support really ...but not me i will never give up ..
was it a waste of good time and a large phone bill of course it was but eh it feels good to not let them get away with it..

So the whole saga started on the 24th January and resolved on the 25th May 4 months

the Cheque came today

and to add salt to the wound the cheque was not in my correct name :/
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It would have been less painful to return it to Amazon even if you only got a refund. Now you are out of pocket, have no card and are stuck in a nightmare that could drag on for months.

agree.... heinsight is a wonderful thing if one could use it before it happened ..

my emails are showing it is UK support and the RMA centre is in Poland ..i have since sent emails to other departments at MSI ..i gave up on royal mail today after 4th attempt and 3 hours in will try again tomorrow
This reaffirms my reasons for picking companies that have a UK based RMA option. But the list of manufacturers offering this service might be a lot shorter now, as I've not looked at upgrades for years.
This reaffirms my reasons for picking companies that have a UK based RMA option. But the list of manufacturers offering this service might be a lot shorter now, as I've not looked at upgrades for years.

MSI have a UK RMA but looks like it was rejected.
Then TS decided to go through Polish RMA because that was accepted i guess???
And now suprise suprise hes having problems.
I'm having issues getting Kajetan Bielecki the rep to reply to me. They have tested and scanned a picture of my 3090 and said they are prepping it for return to the UK then nothing and no replies to emails for quite a few days now :S At least I know the rep got the card and fixed/tested it but the radio silence is scary given the near £3000 cost of a replacement.
MSI have a UK RMA but looks like it was rejected.
Then TS decided to go through Polish RMA because that was accepted i guess???
And now suprise suprise hes having problems.

This is the gist of it. Stay within official UK RMA procedures and you're much more likely to have a nice day.

To the OP, I hope this does get resolved for you quickly, hopefully an MSI rep can speed things up for you.
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This is the gist of it. Stay within official UK RMA procedures and you're much more likely to have a nice day.

My retailer are a massive retailer and they won't honour RMA on MSI due to brexit costs. I got MSI to agree to RMA for me personally and they have so far dealt with their own £579 import fee for one way and say they will the other way. Weirdly as I posted here my DHL from Poland popped up in my email.
Looks like royal mail have done what they need to and handed it over to the polish post.

Having no contact name on the parcel probably means ID wasnt checked when it was collected meaning it was possibly handed to the wrong person.
ALL that for a 570!

You say 'client' so you are a business? Length of RMA or any claims for money will have to be borne by the customer. You can't speed it up. You should have made them wait and said BREXIT innit. Though if you were a business wouldn't you have a spare card or two to keep them going? Deffo wouldn't have bought them a used one for £320 unless you agree that you'd previously agreed to have it back by a time. I want it now entitlement - fuggat! Did your best.

My retailer are a massive retailer and they won't honour RMA on MSI due to brexit costs.

Sounds like the RMA thread needs updating or this gets a thread by itself.

MSI was it? Wonder which RMA's OCUK honour and the ones they now wont due to brexit costs. With that retailer you mentioned I wonder if it's the the UK charging for on the way out £579 one way!? If it's the same the other way - that'd explain some of these price increases from RRP.

Hope it gets back to you quickly.
Let's be fair here. As soon the item arrived at the post office in Poland, won't be your regular postman doing the delivery. Would be one from Poland's postal service.
If the item simply "disappear" from the system, would be much easier to get the claim paid off, but as the item shows as delivered, it's a much harder battle for you, I'm afraid.
Royal Mail may still be liable, as you've contractesd the services of them, but that confirmation of delivery surely complicates things.
If the delivery was in the UK, they would be able to track exactly where the item was last scanned (and delivered). Any line manager can check that. But not sure how the Polish postal service works.

I just find very odd someone collecting the item. I suspect, considering the actual GPU availability, a much bigger scam is taking place. Why MSI Poland would step in and offer to sort it out? Why MSI UK refused the RMA?

Just trying to understand better the whole situation.
Let's be fair here. As soon the item arrived at the post office in Poland, won't be your regular postman doing the delivery. Would be one from Poland's postal service.
If the item simply "disappear" from the system, would be much easier to get the claim paid off, but as the item shows as delivered, it's a much harder battle for you, I'm afraid.
Royal Mail may still be liable, as you've contractesd the services of them, but that confirmation of delivery surely complicates things.
If the delivery was in the UK, they would be able to track exactly where the item was last scanned (and delivered). Any line manager can check that. But not sure how the Polish postal service works.

I just find very odd someone collecting the item. I suspect, considering the actual GPU availability, a much bigger scam is taking place. Why MSI Poland would step in and offer to sort it out? Why MSI UK refused the RMA?

Just trying to understand better the whole situation.

Their service center for UK is based in Poland

Well, all I can say is, good luck.
Eventually you may get compensation for that, but as I said before, even though Royal Mail was the company you contracted for the delivery, the fact that shows the item as delivered, they'll have chase their counterpart in Poland, and knowing that outside the UK, most companies would try as hard as they can from taking responsibility, would be a long battle for you.
My advice is, recorded complaints, escalate, etc. Over the phone, they'll keep buying time.
I was just confused why MSI UK denied RMA, and Polish MSI accepted, that's all.
Well, all I can say is, good luck.
Eventually you may get compensation for that, but as I said before, even though Royal Mail was the company you contracted for the delivery, the fact that shows the item as delivered, they'll have chase their counterpart in Poland, and knowing that outside the UK, most companies would try as hard as they can from taking responsibility, would be a long battle for you.
My advice is, recorded complaints, escalate, etc. Over the phone, they'll keep buying time.
I was just confused why MSI UK denied RMA, and Polish MSI accepted, that's all.

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