I'm trying to put together a cheap HTPC and I've a slight problem. I've got an old MSI K7N2 Delta MB to use, but in order to get the DD 5.1 sound out I need to access the SPDIF connections on the board.
The way you are supposed to do this is via an "S-Bracket" - which needless to say I don't have.
Therefore a two handed question. Has anyone put together a DIY SPDIF connector to plug into the pin connector on the MB (pinouts are given), or does someone know where you can get hold of an MSI S-Bracket?
Any experience out there?
The way you are supposed to do this is via an "S-Bracket" - which needless to say I don't have.
Therefore a two handed question. Has anyone put together a DIY SPDIF connector to plug into the pin connector on the MB (pinouts are given), or does someone know where you can get hold of an MSI S-Bracket?
Any experience out there?