MSN Chat log Probelm. Help please file extension ?

11 Oct 2005
Hi for some reason I have a problem with my saved chat logs on MSN Messenger Live (Hotmail). All my saved chat logs I can normally double click and read them. But just noticed this (please see photo).

It seems there is no program associated with them ?

The only thing I have done in the last day is install then uninstall Dreamweaver. Don't know if that messed up the files extensions ?

Can someone tell me how to sort this out so I have them back to normal and can view/read them as normal.

I have tried uninstalling windows live messenger and then reinstalling it and still nothing. ALL the chat logs have NOW no file extenstion, or rather they all have there .xml extension but Windows XP Pro does not know what program to open them with. What is the normal programs used ?
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