MSN - Is this possible?

27 Jan 2005
Nr. Norwich, Norfolk
Hey all,

Something that would be really handy to have on MSN, would be the ability to set up an email notification when someone signs in, or alternatively, being able to find out when the last time they did was. A little bit like IRC really.

Now I know you can get addons for MSN (though I confess I have not got 'Plus' on), but does anyone know of anything that does this, or has any good ideas?

Thanks to all posters. :)
Raymond Lin said:
Ok, I'll give that a look.

binaryknight said:
doubt it does the email notification but then really much point getting an email to tell you some one is online?
True, but what I forget to point out was that this was mainly for when I'm not signed into MSN. I guess that's asking a lot though.

spirit said:
forget that, leave them an offline message for them to call you or something when they get on
Indeed, but if you just wanted to know when they were on, and didn't really had anything important to say, just wanted to small-talk, then that might seem a little heavy :o.
binaryknight said:
i dont get it tho you want an email notification sent to you when they are online this would either mean you are off line and not on msn to caht to them then and there.... so you could just send an email in the first place
otherwise your going to be checking your email every minute to see if people are online in which case why not just run msn...?

It's more like: "Hmm, I wonder if person A was on MSN last night when I was out...if so perhaps person B might have talked to them/if so maybe I should have done thing X later on/if so I wonder if they'll be doing the same thing tommorow..." etc etc

You get the idea. :)
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