MSN - messages not getting through

26 Mar 2005
nr. Bath or Kensington
Since quite a while back, every now and then I have had trouble with MSN and messages not being delivered to the recipient. This normally happens 2 or 3 times in a whole conversation and then perhaps not for a few days. It had all but disappeared up untill last evening, where it seemed to come back with a vengeance! It's quite irritating; I would rather not type things out 3 or 4 times with it being a case of pot luck as to whether the message gets thorough or not...

Is this a known issue with MSN or is it a problem on my side? I am behind a hardware router if that helps, but since it doesn't happen all the time, surely that option is kind of rules out...

I had that problem a while back. I'm pretty sure it just stopped randomly, although i may have run adaware/ spybot etc...Is your internet connection timing out when this happens?

Failing that try re-installing messenger.
No, the internet remains connected throughout. It's really doing it big time at the moment, haven't been able to message anyone for a good few hours now!

I will run some spyware software now, thanks.
Think its to do with msn rather than your connection. It was having a lot of problems a while back. It seems abit slow at the moment on mine. Tried skype msn and found it even slower
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