msn messenger & webcam ????

6 Jan 2006
ages ago i said my web cam didnt work on this pc....and it still dosent !!!!!

basically my che-ez spy cam and my panasonic nvgs-15 dont work yet they work on my dads laptop and my sisters pc .... WITHOUT use of the drivers they just seem to use a basic driver for them ....(due to me not having to install the spacific ones and that they arnt in the driver list) so i was woundering does any 1 have the driver file for a webcam of sorts due to my screen is always black when i load it up ???? i have googled and all i seem to get is on the creative website but that only refers to creative products !!!! I have tried installing the specific drivers and reinstalling the usb drivers for the mobo so what am i to do ...(as now i cannot remember when it 1st started to muck up) so i cant do a system restore and i certainly dont want to do a reinstall !!!!! PLEASE HELP !!!!

(im using live on my pc and my dads and my sis uses 7.5....profesional on mine and my dads and home on my siters if thats any added help)
I had this kind of problem on my old PC, ended up it was my tv cards driver conflicting with my msn web cam conversations so all the screen went black :^)
How many video devices does your system have ? Any if more than 1 what is MSN set to use for it's video input ?

I have:-

A web cam
A TV card
A VIVO video card.

All three can be used for the video on MSN. The VIVO gives the MSN video a black screen.

You might have to choose the device you want MSN to use.
blitz2163 said:
How many usb devices do you have connected to your ports?

I have my mouse which is always connected and my webcam (untill it messed up)

but apart from that I jst have either my psp, phone or usb mem stick (not all at once)

ns400r said:
How many video devices does your system have ? Any if more than 1 what is MSN set to use for it's video input ?

I have:-

A web cam
A TV card
A VIVO video card.

All three can be used for the video on MSN. The VIVO gives the MSN video a black screen.

You might have to choose the device you want MSN to use.

Just a webcam
ns400r said:
How many video devices does your system have ? Any if more than 1 what is MSN set to use for it's video input ?

I have:-

A web cam
A TV card
A VIVO video card.

All three can be used for the video on MSN. The VIVO gives the MSN video a black screen.

You might have to choose the device you want MSN to use.

How do you choose which device for messenger. My new X1900XT with VIVO has conflicted with my new Logitech Pro 5000 :(
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