MSN messenger

23 Jun 2005
Well i've just started to use it again, last time I used it must have been 3 years ago.

I can't get over how things have changed since Version 4. Am I the only one who thinks all the new features like animated pigs are pointless?
nuges and pigs rule! :) \0/ wait till u get some bad random picture poping up :) get on my list i will show ya some mad pictures \0/
Mason64 said:
or just use the newest 1 and not use any of the rubbish that comes with it.
You could do, but the messaging window is clutterd with nudges, winks, drawing tools, search buttons and other stuff designed for 13 year old kids. At least with 6.2 it doesn't look so cramped and you can just get on and talk to people which is after all what it was intended for.
using the a-patch are you able to disble those annoying advertisements on the left hand side?

They look like loads of little tabs, and they have e.g. jobs, matchmaking etc on them.
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