MSN open emails in IE

I think one of the patches will do it. I use A-Patch at the moment and that doesn't support it, but I am pretty sure the patches do - its whether or not they do a patch for the Windows Live BETAs

Will have to be a tweak as Microsoft things opening in non IE isn't going to happen. Just swap off that Hotmail rubbish to GMail like me. MSN still works. Just don't have a naff email.
Rednut05 said:
Just swap off that Hotmail rubbish to GMail like me.

i did look into gmail but trouble was that they said you can only get it view text, and there is no united kindgom text capabilities so i cant get it. Anyone know if there is another way. also whats so good about gmail? does gmail have IM?
addy_010 said:
i did look into gmail but trouble was that they said you can only get it view text, and there is no united kindgom text capabilities so i cant get it. Anyone know if there is another way. also whats so good about gmail? does gmail have IM?

I use it mostly as a GMail inbox notifier as not enough people I know use it. It does work with other networks but I don't think it does MSN. Not checked recently though.

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