MTB for a 4'10 woman? Jump bike? :)

21 Oct 2002
Thinking about getting a bike for the GF, she'd be happy with anything but I'm want to get something nice. I don't think we will do any hardcore offroading, mostly flat stuff but it would be nice to have the ability to take it XC.

I can't seem to find many women specific MTB's bar the usual £200 crud, so I guess I have to get a mans bike :)

I want something light, ~26lbs, hardtail and a decent chainset from one of the big players (or I'll build it)

Being only 4'10 she can't get her leg over most mens bikes. I've seen the jump bikes about but have never ridden one, with the very steeply dropping top bar it looks like it might work..of course I'm also thinking I can have some fun with it ;)

Obviously we will go and try some for size, but I'm after feedback from somebody with a jump bike.. It looks like the bars will sit up quite high (because she'll have the seat low)
Is it like riding a BMX when your all grown up? (not comfy!)
Do they have a regular steering angle? (twitchy to ride?)

Any other ideas?

have a look at the scott contessa range very nice bikes my sisters just got a contesa 10 and its a really nice bike womens geometry as well
Well jump bikes have the shorter lower frame as you said so the theory being that its more chuckable and you have more room to move about as the frame isn't there to get in the way or umm hit you in the crown jewels when jumping.

You can put the seat up to ride A - B. The seat angle can be what ever angle you set it at. And to make the bars lower you could put them as flat bars or ones with not much rise...or a stem with not much rise.

But as the frame is lower, even with the seat tube up you arn't as high as on a XC bike. So riding can be knacking but....i'm not that short so try it out.

Many girls find it easier to ride a bike with a jumping freeride frame as they are lower.
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