Mugen Honda Jazz

18 Oct 2002

Not bad for a shopping basket?
Only proves that with enough tat and make up you turn even fugliest of mingers into.. well... a Christina Fugillera.
The A2 that was posted the other day looks a million times better imo if that kind of car floats your boat.
v0n said:
Only proves that with enough tat and make up you turn even fugliest of mingers into.. well... a Christina Fugillera.

Says the guy that has a nissan (primera? almera?) in his sig


Looks cool to me, like the Jazz Sport looks anyway as far as small hatches go, its a good looker..

2 Tegs and a Mugen Jazz?
Can I move in with you?
I eat very little and I only pee two times a day :)
They're realising the Jazz in the US with a 1.5l engine.
Wonder will it make its way over here.

Car looks good - wonder does it handle & go to match the looks ;)
commited said:
They're realising the Jazz in the US with a 1.5l engine.
Wonder will it make its way over here.

Car looks good - wonder does it handle & go to match the looks ;)

My mother is on her second. VERY clever car with great packaging and a quality interior for the price. However....harsh ride, virtually no steering feeback and rubbish handling. That's just a standard one.
With regard to the Mugen effort, no thanks.
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