Multiplay sever question

9 Feb 2009
Hi guys got a question im wondering if im being ripped off or they trying to rip me off.

I run a 25man Rust server and its been running great 20+ players with mods no issues at all, now all of a sudden its constantly going down saying memory issues. Im getting told by them i should switch to the more expensive double memory option for my server.

The thing is nothing has changed since it was running fine with the mods and 20+ people on it infact it has less mods now and it can not even run with one person on before it shuts down due to memory usage??????

Something seems very odd to me
Tell them you will accept the switch at no extra cost.

You pay for their service with a guaranteed 99% uptime, if they can't provide that then look else where.
Sounds like they are squeezing a few more virtual servers on a box and thus reducing the ram availability for all so you are taking a hit.

Have any logs from when it was fine about ram usage? As you say not much may have changed but could be loads more assets from people going mad with building huge structures?
Does the game have any kind of chatlog or configuration files, etc. that are loaded at run time and have inflated over time?
well getting no where with multiplay think im going to have to dump it tbh not worth the hassle not being conned.
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