Multiplayer gaming not evolving?

31 May 2005
Seeing the Battlefield "One" announcement of "64 players", it got me thinking..

"64 players, STILL?"

Battlefield 2 (2005) - Maximum players = 64
Battlefield 1 (2016) - Maximum players = 64

An eleven year gap and stuck at the same number, why? Too frequently over the past 11 years, the "smoke and mirrors" approach of instances has been used

I am not singling out Battlefield and I am aware that Planetside 2 has much much bigger player numbers. Arma 3, sure you can get more than 64 players but mileage may vary regarding server performance.

Not much has progressed in this area.

Is it because having "too many" players does not make for a good game mechanic?

Is it because server hardware from a server perspective is not adequate?

Is it because nobody wants higher player numbers?

Is it because the console generation is holding everything back :D

Is it because AAA publishers just do not care and because a lot of console players do not know what was available before, they just keep reinventing the wheel at little cost and just keep doing their thing?

Am I simply expecting too much?
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I don't see why 128+ players would make the experience better.

You would just have to spread the battles out even more, so you don't end up with 20 people camping a capture point.

You can always play Planetside 2 if you want more players.

I think you are confusing higher player count with bad level design.

To suggesting those wanting more players simply play Planetside 2, thanks.
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