Multiple Device Usage At Uni Help Needed !

13 Dec 2008
Hey im off to uni soon and they only have 1 plug in the wall for one device, i have 2 laptops and 2 games consoles and i want to be able to have them all connected so i guess ill need a router or hub that masks that there are multiple devices connected, if thats possible?

Does such a device exist so the network department can only see 1 device or mac address, or however you identify devices on a network, but that allows me to connect 4 different devices without detection?

Thanks for any help im not to great with the network side of things only the stuff that plugs into it :p
they say they only want you to connect 1 device, i need 4-5 so thats why i need it to look like i only have one, if i just plugged 1 device in that would work but its annoying to have to swap around so i need a router/hub/anything that makes it look like i only have 1 thing connected if you guys understand.

edit: purpose is i want to be able to play xbox and have my desktop on as i run it 24/7 also ill need to connect laptop all at the same time
right i knew i needed a router but is there not a way all the devices plugged into it look like 1 device? it is against tersm of service but its a stupid rule
it may not be related but isnt NAT what messes up online gaming? the uni says tell them mac addresses of all consoles to let them through the firewall but if i use the router will it negate this ?

also so a cable router will stop me getting blocked for connecting multiple devices? is there no indication through device mac addresses?
hey guys, the uni is bournemouth if thats of any use.

Can anyone explain it in idiots terms i dont fully understand the abbreviations and seems that you guys have lots of different ways of doing it.
About the only way to do it is to buy a "cable" router (i.e. which doesn't have a modem built in) and connect the port on your wall to the "internet"/WAN port on the router.
At most, you'll have to tell the router to spoof the MAC address of your machine's network card (or whatever you used to connect to the internet already) but it's possible you won't even have to do that.

Well yeah, but the point caged was making is you have all sorts of people in halls, some of whom wouldn't know a router if you smacked them in the face with it.

ive looked on my home router and i can assign a mac address, so do i make that an xbox 360 syle address for example then tell the uni to allow access from that mac address and itll allow access for all things attatched for it? as they ask for mac addresses of items to allow them internet access through the security.
Hey guys i just got my buffalo air station router, if i set it up with auto ip addressing as a router then change its MAC address to that of an xbox style then connect my devices to it and disable the wireless so it dosent give off any signal then should i be ok? or is there anything else i need to do with it ?
another important point i need an answer for, will the uni be able to see its a NAT using device and know there will be things hidden plugging into it ? if i change it to look like an xbox 360 with the network card can they still detect this as wouldnt it screw up the plan ?

thanks for the help
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