Multiple displays with crossfire enabled?

22 Mar 2006
Just got my new monitor and want to run multiple displays with crossfire enabled. According to ATI's site it is possible but doesnt say how. I can get both monitors working fine with crossfire turned off but as soon as i enable it the secondary monitor gets disabled.

Is there a way around this?

EDIT: i mis-read ATI's site, apprently you cant run a secondary monitor with crossfire enabled. I'm sure i saw a work around for this awhile ago though?
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Have you tried having the 2ndry monitor connected to the master card or the slave card?

I am guessing here that the primary monitor is connected to the crossfire cable itself ( which would mean I think, that there is one spare dvi connector on the master , and one dvi available on the slave?)
Yep Primary monitor uses the primary slot on the master and slave card (with the Dongle).

Have tried 2nd monitor in the secondary slot in the master and slave card.
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