Multiple MX Records

28 Dec 2002
Northern Ireland
Hey Guys,
I am looking to move our small business over to Google G-Suite over the holidays and have an idea that I think may work, however, I would like your input if possible.

For obvious reasons we don't want our email to go down during this transition and even though I chose to do the changeover during the Christmas im sure there will be some complaints lol.

What I would like to do is add additional MX records to our domain to point to google so that when I move an email account from our old cPanel server to google it will start working in gsuite once I disable the account in cPanel.

I have no idea if this will work and it would be great if I could get your input.
Lower you TTL to as low as you can set a few days before you intend to make the change, that way you can test mailflow and revert the mx changes quickly if need be.
I agree with LizardKing. Lower the TTL values on your MX records to as low as you can get them.

I'm not sure the multiple MX records pointing to different servers will help you. Even with different weighting. I'm sure you will end up with NDR's with that approach.
Original MX record and then additional google one with higher weight. Mail will still be delivered to original mx record because it is available. If the user is not there you will generate an NDR. If you change the weight of the google MX record, then all email will get delivered to google, with the user there or not, and gain NDRs will be generated.

Not sure what coextistence options there are, if any, for cpanel and google. Contacts with forwarding??? If you can would get rid of the NDRs.
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