Multiple screens - file access?

26 Feb 2004
Hampshire, England.
Hi guys,

I'm using 2x identical screens, next to each other, and until really recently I was able to hold and drag an app (pdf reader/spreadsheet etc.) from my primary screen to my extended screen and maximise/work on it from there. Now though, whenever I try and drag my apps, they try to snap to the side of my primary screen. In my set up, the right hand side.

Any ideas? Is it a recent Windows (10) update thing maybe?

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Can you get past that snap barrier at all using mouse drag?

How does the window behave when using the Win key + arrows to snap the window?
So, I just tried to drag (mouse curser on the top bar of the window) an explorer window. As soon as the mouse curser hits the edge of the screen frame it tries to expand and snap it.
Bit obvious I know
But try dragging faster
If I don't it snaps to the first monitor
The other thing to check
At one point windows decided to swap my monitor positions
So main monitor according to windows
Was on the left not the right
So trying to drag off the left wouldn't work
As windows assumed there wasn't a monitor to the left of it
I'm an idiot... It's my new mouse's fault - slower dpi :D

It was as simple as me not dragging fast enough. Sorry, should have updated sooner.
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