Multiroom Audio - Raspberry Pi

12 Sep 2005
Norwich, England

Looking at using a Pi B+/Pi2 and one of these hifiberry amp+.

Don't suppose anyone has one? I read a review for another Pi amp which sounded very good but more expensive.

Matched with some ceiling speakers it should be good ,all tied in to my LMS squeezebox setup, headless, controlled by phone apps.

New house extension starting soon which this will be going into, bathroom and kitchen/diner and then bedrooms in existing house later.

What have other people done for multi room audio?

Same people do dac's for Pi's, which could then feed that into a separate amp, a multizone amp would be good but they are so expensive.

ooo didn't know you could have more than one instance on a pi. Was looking to run picoreplayer.
how do you control that amp? what controls volume?
I meant your amp, do you just set that to max and leave it, presume its shut away.

You noticed any problem with usb soundcards and squeeze apps, read about people hearing popping noises every so often.

I'll have to work out which was will be cheaper, multiple pi's and hifiberry amps or your way above, will have to look around for multi zone amps and single zones ones.

Just found out about those O2 Jogglers too for squeezebox, seem awesome.
Bathroom I was going to use a single stereo speaker. 2m x 3m

Kitchen/Diner I was planning on two speaker stereo setup in a central position, 4m x 7m.

Bedrooms at a later date, 3.5m x 3.5m, two speaker stereo.

A pi b+ and a hifiberry amp is £20 + £50 = 1 zone

Any other multichannel amp suggestions? That come into that kind of money

Thanks for your help and suggestions.
Quickly set it up using some active speakers and all working well, very easy to setup picoreplayer.

Got a Monitor Audio CT165-T2 from ebay the other day so will test that tonight on my amp, just need the pi amp now for final testing.
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