Mums Funeral - Never attended a funeral

14 Dec 2008
ok, so the worst day of my life next week. Mum passed away just before Christmas. Can someone please help me in deciding what to wear, I am jeans and t-shirt kind of guy with smart shoes/chukka boots etc, never worn a suit.

My Mum was the same type of women, never overdressed and didn't like that type of clothing, or should I say, it didn't bother her how people dressed. She'd be saying as long as your comfortable that's all that matters.

I know it must sound stupid but is it still odd to wear anything else but a suit?
thanks for all comments so far. On speaking to my sister, my Dad who is Mums ex-husband and they got on well after the break up many years ago, it seems we are not having a dress code. We have spoken and agreed Mum would like us to just be comfortable.

So I am thinking dark crew neck jumper, shirt, black trousers/chinos, and my very dark brown chukka boots.

Seen this image below on this page, and made me feel a little better.

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Had an appointment with the guy who is speaking at the funeral today. Told us what happens, asked about Mum etc. Nice guy.

He actually asked us what would we want him to wear, are there any objections to anything. On talking to him he said these days don't really need to be suited and booted. His own words "you wouldn't believe what people wear these days"

Thanks for all lovely comments, sorry not quoted any in reply. Just listening at the moment :)
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