18 Oct 2002
, Washington DC
Just in from seeing this tonight.

I must say I was fairly disappointed. It didn't seem to say as much as I was expecting it to, it seemed very focussed in on Eric Bana's character and very little else. Information about the Munich tragedy was very piece meal and didn't really set the scene that well.

Some of the film was great (the section with the Israeli army and Bana's team), some of it was mediocre and some of it was horrendous.

I have no idea why Spielberg thought it would be a good idea to jump cut from the hostages being slaughtered to Bana ******* his wife, but it really jarred with me and seemed innappropiate and very clunky directorially.

It was also quite derivative of Michael Mann in places (which isn't a bad thing) but sometimes it all felt a bit too familiar.

The film said very little politically and I wasn't emotionally engaged with the characters enough to make it a character film.

This was a huge opportunity to say a lot about the Israel/Palestine conflict and it looks like it was an opportunity missed.

-Mic- said:
The loss of life with the creation of new?

Oh, I get the sentiment, but it was unbelievable badly realised - to me it just didn't work at all. It wasn't about procreation at all, more Bana trying to **** the pain away. It just really clashed with the feel of the rest of the movie and to me was a bad choice.

Have you seen the film?
Stiff_Cookie said:
was that the directors objective? Because maybe he didnt care about sending out a political message about it?
It's an inherently political conflict, 90% of the film is talking, and to somehow skate around politics and governmental responsibility for most of the film was a little far fetched.

Has no one else seen this yet?
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