Murder/mystery/detective film recommendations needed

18 Oct 2002
, Washington DC
I've been on a bit of a murder/mystery thriller kick lately and I'm struggling to find other movies that fit the bill.

If people could recommend things along the same lines as Zodiac, Se7en, Usual Suspects etc. that'd be excellent. I've seen a lot of the mainstream detective stuff like LA Confidential, Memento etc. but I'm hoping there's a few I've missed.

Thanks for any recommendations!
Unfortunately I've seen those (Gosford Park, David Gale and The Departed). Keep them coming - at the very least this'll be good for recommendations for other people lol.
'Girl With The Dragon Tattoo' is a recent one i've seen that springs to mind, swedish production with English subs, really enjoyable film, very tense at times and keeps you guessing.
Chinatown. If you've never watched it then I can only recommend you rectify this forthwith. Oh and The Third Man - one of the great performances by Orson Welles, if it comes to that M is worth watching too.

//edit in fact what the hell - 12 Angry Men, it's after the event and not directly detective/mystery since they aren't trying to solve the case as such but if you've never watched this film your life is the poorer for it.
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I've been on a bit of a murder/mystery thriller kick lately and I'm struggling to find other movies that fit the bill.

If people could recommend things along the same lines as Zodiac, Se7en, Usual Suspects etc. that'd be excellent. I've seen a lot of the mainstream detective stuff like LA Confidential, Memento etc. but I'm hoping there's a few I've missed.

Thanks for any recommendations!

I was about to recommend both Memento and LA Confidential.

Erm, Silence of the Lambs? All the Hannibal films are good mysteries come to think of it (Haven't seen Hannibal Rising and neither should you by the sounds of it).

An old classic would be Double Indemnity.

[EDIT] Oooh, Se7en is one of my fave films and an insane mystery/thriller by Fincher. You've probably seen it though.
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The Ninth Gate - Johnny Depp is paid to find rare books. goes after one written by the devil (i think), fake books, murders, rituals, bit of sex and backstabbing.

The Prestige is always good for the mystery part.
Having watched both several times, I actually hold that (minus some fairly gammy acting) the original Saw film is better than Se7en :eek:

Silence of the Lambs is also excellent.

This sort of thing is frequently done well in TV crime dramas.
Not quite fitting into murder/mystery... but close

Mr Brooks.

This film is amazing, it's very dark. In a way, similar to Fight Club

Shutter Island is a good addition to your list, don't read up on it, just watch it

Collateral (Tom Cruise) is worth a watch,. the director of this made Heat, Last of the Mohicans, Public Enemies
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Wow guys, thanks for all the recommendations so far. I rented out Primal Fear last night and it certainly didn't disappoint :D Brilliant twisting/turning storyline and amazing acting from Ed Norton, every time I see him I'm amazed he's not more critically acclaimed.

In terms of some of the other recommendations... Mr Brooks I saw in the cinema and absolutely love - phenomenal performances from Costner and William Hurt and again a brilliantly disguised storyline. The Prestige, Collateral and are also great. I'm surprised I've seen so many of the other recommendations, obviously a sign of a misspent youth!

Chinatown, Third Man, Unthinkable, Presumed Innocent, Reversal of Fortune and Frantic (where's my wife?) all added to the list :)
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