Muscle vs fat weight?

28 Aug 2014
Why is it so difficult to find out the truth behind muscle weighing more than fat.

I am not stupid therefore I am not asking does one 1lb of muscle weigh more than 1 lb of fat... I am asking if 1 cubic inch of muscle weighs more than 1 cubic inch of fat.

Everything I find tells me about a lb being a lb... I've known that since I was fooled with the feather joke as a kid...
Well I searched:
Does muscle weigh more than fat
Cubic inch fat vs muscle

Density never came to my mind but on both of them 2 searches the top 2 or 3 pages pretty much said a lb is a lb.
That's the obvious thing mate I doubt there any many people that think a lb of fat weighs more than a lb of muscle. Obviously...

The space it takes up is what really matters.
Well most oils float on top of water because they have a lower density and are imiscible i.e they do not mix like (lets say) alcohol and water... If you think of muscle as being 'mostly water' and fat as being 'mostly oil' you can perhaps see why a unit volume of fat weights less than a unit volume of oil... Obviously that is a horrible over simplification of fat tissue compared to muscle but as others has said it basically comes down to the bulk (pardon the pun) desnsity of the two 'materials' being different.
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