Muse - A New fan!

19 Dec 2003
Hey folks!

So i've thought Muse were a good band for a long time, as my brother has been into them since they started out, seeing them at low-key gigs, right to where they are now.

Im more into dancey and trance music but I do like a bit of other styles as well. I always keep an open mind with music.

Anyway, I thought i'd listen to some of the cd's... Really impressed with them, for me the standout tracks (through all albums) are;

New Born
Plug In Baby
Muscle Museum
Sing For Absolution
Time Is Running Out
Supermassive Black Hole
Map of the problematique - Possibly my favourite

Any other people into them?
SeanyK said:
Any other people into them?

yep lots of people.

One of my favourite bands, every album is superb, every album is a must own and every album brings something different. Annoyed i haven't got round to seeing them live yet though :(
Everybody i have suggested them to over the years has taken to them and loved them.
Women tend to find Black holes and revelations their favorite from what ive found.
Ok now time for a serious post :)

Really try to see them live, the songs you thought you didn't like so much totally transform and come across in a totally different light.

If you for some reason can't get to see them in action then go on youtube and have a browse, or buy the DVD version of Hullabaloo. It was recorded at Le Zenith, Paris, just after they released In Your World and Dead Star I think.

It's not just your ordinary gig DVD either. The direction and camera work are excellent and they do a really good job of projecting the atmosphere of a live show. You can also choose your own cameras for some of the songs, for instance in Hyper Music Matt had a camera mounted on his guitar pointing towards the neck off his guitar which is absolutely ace.

On the other disc there's a lot of footage from their world tour, just showing them messing around. It's awesome. There's a bit where they go fishing which is absolutely hilarious and the bit where Dom wears the Slipknot mask is gold. Many B-Sides and previously unreleased songs also feature here, over some quite excellently put together snippets from the tour.

The CD version is exactly the same, just minus the video.
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Woody__ said:
First two albums were good, the next two were crap.

Err... Guess you haven't heard Stockholm Syndrome, Butterflies & Hurricanes, The Small Print, Map of the Problematique and City of Delusion. ;)
Mr.Orb said:
Err... Guess you haven't heard Stockholm Syndrome, Butterflies & Hurricanes, The Small Print, Map of the Problematique and City of Delusion. ;)
Yeah. Crap. Overblown, self indulgent crap.
Woody__ said:
Yeah. Crap. Overblown, self indulgent crap.
Whilst that is debatable for Butterflies and Hurricanes and City of Delusion, not quite sure how you arrive at that conclusion on the others... especially The Small Print.
Zefan said:
Really try to see them live

this man speaks the truth

Nitefly said:
Whilst that is debatable for Butterflies and Hurricanes and City of Delusion, not quite sure how you arrive at that conclusion on the others... especially The Small Print.

i think the small print is one of there most under rated songs ever
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They are one of my favourite bands, but when I go back to listening to another band after listening to Muse, It sort of seemed that muse were lacking sincerity and were impressive more on the technical side of things rather than their music having that much depth to it...
atpbx said:
Women tend to find Black holes and revelations their favorite from what ive found.

Not me ;)

'Time is Running Out' got my attention and since that have got all the back catalogue... but its got to be 'Plug In Baby' :)

Amazing live... actually probably my most watched band live :) fantastic showmen and performers...

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