Music Biographys

26 Mar 2007
i was wondering what biographys people have read and how they rate them?

espically when there seems to be more than one about some artists like kurt cobain etc
The Jon Savage punk/sex pistols book is quite a good read i found, little bit off of biographies i guess though, more of a history. :)

England's Dreaming its called.
"Head On/Repossessed", twin autobiographies [in one volume] of eccentric genius Julian Cope.

Hugely entertaining, as he's a great writer; none of your "I did this. It was good. And then I did that. It was really good. And then I bought a mansion next to Jim Bowen and had wild namedropping parties and then my manager defrauded me. It was not good." here.

EDIT: Ah, biographies, you say. Not a huge fan of third-party writings; they smack of cashing in - especially in the cases of the prematurely-carked poster-heroes.

Now it's not exactly a biography, but THIS on the other hand... :eek: I'm not even a Beatles fan - but just look at it!
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nero120 said:
I really enjoyed scar tissue by anthony keidis.

Just finished reading it the other month and thought it was great,
Although it gets a bit wearing in the middle but hey its his life!

(So i got loaded and scored the girl, she had the best this id ever seen an the best that :p different one everypage )
danielj315 said:
Just finished reading it the other month and thought it was great,
Although it gets a bit wearing in the middle but hey its his life!
(So i got loaded and scored the girl, she had the best this id ever seen an the best that :p different one everypage )

"she was the most beautiful girl i've ever seen"

used everytime he started dating someone

anyone read the keith moon one?
In terms of Cobain Biogs - I've read 'Heavier than Heaven' (by Charles Cross I think) and that is really good. A real eye opener.
danielj315 said:
(So i got loaded and scored the girl, she had the best this id ever seen an the best that :p different one everypage )

Yeah that does get a bit tiresome doesnt it?! It's like "Yeah Tony, we know you've shagged like a million women!". It's still a great read though, and all the band stuff was great, that's the reason why I read it.
elroberto said:
Cash was a good one, Hammer of the Gods made me decide to form a band! ;)

Got Cash waiting to read, and Hammer of the Gods the one next. The best video biography is Loud Quiet Loud: A Film About The Pixies.

Can't recommend that one enough.
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