music making programs

22 Sep 2005
im hooked on music by the likes of astrix and infected mushroom, i just love its total crisp, clean electronic sound.

is there any music makign programs you guys reccomend for making such 'psy' music?

ive used things liek Ejay in the past, but thats a little to basic i think.
i dont have any real experience appart from ejay. so im lookign for soemthign easy enought to get the hang of, but complex enough to not be limited by it.
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wow fruity loops is not easy to use ! ( or it may be because ive never really dabbled in sound ? )

is thewre a way to get a kind of time line view like in Ahem... Ejay ?

ive sat pondering and clicking it a few times and cant seem to work out how it works :S

can someone some it up for me ? lol

fire moon : im using an X-fi and hi-hi seperates ( denon speakers bla bla ) so thats not really an issue.

btw locutus, id like to lisrten to it... dont really care what its encoded in lol... not really an audiophile
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