music player for windows

8 Dec 2002
North Yorkshire
not sure if this belongs here or in software but here goes appealing to you music lovers

Anyone recoomend me a music player for windows. I liked the new winamp with the audio search options etc. But it just uses far to much resources , nearly brings it to a halt if its been running for a while.

Any reccommendations would be great thanks in advance
semi-pro waster said:
Sorry I really don't know what you mean (Winamp 5.35 is the latest, yes?), I run it minimised in my taskbar pretty much all day and it never goes above 5% CPU usage and most of the time it is at 0% although I don't tend to use any audio searching particularly - I just have a long playlist set to random.

I use the audio search quite a lot,along foxy tunes in firefox taskbar and it hags like a bugger. Good spec pc also. Older version of winampp are fine , but they don't have audio search and music serach with it so I was ofrced to use the new version.

Anyone else have any suggestions ??
Hellsmk2 said:
I use several different players:

Windows Media Player - The latest version is great. The sound quality is amazing.

Foobar2000 - Takes absolutely ages to set up but is also an absolutely amazing player - Great search functionality and sound quality with the right plugins.

WinAmp - My least used player as the sound quality isn't quite up to scratch. Great for converting different file formats to another though.

iTunes - Decent sound quality, great search, all round nice little player.

Out of all of them I'd recommend the latest Windows Media Player or Foobar.

Would you care to list the required plugins to make it good ?? Really want to use it but can never find the required plugins.

Massive thanks in advance :D
Mindriot said:
Download foobar2000 and have a play, you can get a search plugin from here

It takes a bit of work to get it running the way you want and/or looking nice - its just just install and go. It is very small and uses very little resources so thats good (its cpu usage is almost always at 0% unless ive just opened it or something)

It's also good for distracting you at work/school/uni/doing work etc. You could spend hours working on it and it would play music in exactly the same way just you'd feel satisfied with yourself.

I had to completely change the way i use my music player because it is so much simpler my new way. My old way was to have everything loaded into the library in winamp and just add it all to the playlist, but with foobar i just browse my music folder and right click to add to playlist in foobar. tbf i could do that with winamp but i like the uphill struggles of life!

Seriously: give it a try

To late was going ot give it a go , but found musikcube does everything I need and more , loads better then winamp IMO :cool:
Spunj99 said:
But its big, ugly and full screen. Pfffft. Doubt it uses less resources than Winamp 2.92. :p

Can make it the size of a matchbox if you wanted to. I liek the old winamps but l;like I said earlier I really liek the option to searhc for music and the dynamic playlist feature is very cool :cool:
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